Category: Blog

  • Our Favorite Projects of 2016

    Ducati/Shell Advance Motorcycle Oil Racks Earlier this year, Metaline was tasked with designing a display rack to promote Shell Advance Motorcycle Oil, co-branded with Ducati, for placement in Ducati retail locations and distributors across the US and Canada. Because most of these locations have limited space and could not accommodate for any additional floor displays,…

  • Designing a Compelling and Effective Custom POP Display

    Implementing Custom Point of Purchase displays is an effective in-store marketing strategy every business owner should be familiar with. It creates an attractive focal point around the products you want to emphasize in your advertising plan for the month. Below, we have provided our favorite tips to help you make the most out of every…

  • How Promotional Packaging Helps Boost Brand Image

    In an increasingly competitive marketplace, branded promotional packaging is integral to elevating brand image and driving recognition for your product. Developing effective promotional packaging means so much more than simply sticking your logo on a cardboard box. Branding breathes life into your product and allows target audiences to build a relationship with your product beyond…

  • Temporary vs Permanent Displays

    As a business owner, it is important for you to look into temporary versus permanent displays for your store. Custom point-of-purchase displays are a great marketing tool to highlight new promotional packaging, advertise seasonal sale items, or showcase other specific products or services. These areas have shown to increase overall awareness of a brand, as…